Diversity & Inclusion - Lingua Inglese

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Versione in lingua inglese del corso Diversity & Inclusion già presente in lingua italiana sul catalogo.
Copertina del corso
Why Take This Course

The "Diversity & Inclusion" course is a unique opportunity to gain essential skills in managing cultural and generational diversity in an increasingly globalized world. By learning to overcome limiting biases and stereotypes, you will develop an inclusive and open approach, both personally and professionally. This course will provide you with the tools to communicate effectively in multiethnic and multigenerational work environments, enhancing interpersonal relationships and valuing inclusion.

The Course

The "Diversity & Inclusion" elearning course is dedicated to understanding and promoting inclusion in multiethnic and multigenerational contexts. Through insights into different cultures and generations, you will acquire fundamental skills to manage diversity challenges and overcome communication barriers. You will learn to foster an open and inclusive work environment, contributing to harmonious and collaborative relationships both in the workplace and personally. Explore the world of Diversity & Inclusion and discover how to become a promoter of positive change in your company and society.

Who It's For

This course is intended for anyone who wishes to broaden their awareness of cultural and generational diversity, both personally and professionally. Individuals and organizations alike can benefit from this course, as it provides tools and strategies to promote inclusion, improve communication, and create a harmonious and collaborative work environment. If you aspire to become a promoter of positive change, this course is for you.

Training Program

  • Intercultural Communication
  • Stereotypes and Biases
  • Generations at Work
  • A Cultural Approach

Certificato di completamento corso

Completare il corso permette di ottenere il certificato: tutti i nostri corsi ne prevedono uno!
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Diversità & Inclusione
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